Man steals online banking password from coworker's office mail

Incident Date: December 2004
Incident Location: Pune India

A software programmer was arrested on January 23, 2005 in Pune, India for allegedly stealing money from a coworker’s online banking account. The man, Vajravelu K. S., worked at Zensar Technologies alongside his victim, Tanmaykumar Badalkumar Dorai. Apparently Mr. Dorai had opened an account at a local branch of ABN Amro Bank. The bank then sent a letter to him at Zensar containing a password that could be used for Internet banking.

Around December 27, 2004 at Zensar, Vajravelu intercepted and opened the letter addressed to Mr. Dorai. Using the account information and password it contained, he proceeded to transfer money out of the account between December 29, and December 31, 2004.

Vajravelu is accused of transferring around 138,598 India Rupees (approximately US $3,172) to the bank accounts of two former Zensar coworkers. Police suspect that they cooperated with Vajravelu to steal the money. However, they had not yet tracked down these individuals at the time of this report.

Story Sources

Title: Geek caught cleaning up bank account
Date: 1/25/2005
Publication: Express News Service / Pune Newsline
Publication Location: Pune India
Publication URL:

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