Professional's perception of whether passwords are still viable for authentication
Cloud Computing Demands Enterprise-class Password Management and Security
Date: April 2013
Given the current threat landscape (i.e. malicious code, automated tools, identity theft, etc.), which of the following statements best reflects your opinion with regards to the use of user name/password combinations for authentication (N=307)
- 11%
 | User name/password authentication is no longer secure and should be eliminated as a form of authentication in all cases |
- 44%
 | User name/password authentication is no longer secure and should be eliminated as a form of authentication for business critical apps, but remains an adequate option for authentication to non-business critical applications |
- 34%
 | User name/password authentication is fairly secure and remains an adequate option for authentication to most business critical and non-business critical applications |
- 11%
 | User name/password authentication is secure and remains an adequate option for authentication for all business critical and non-business critical applications |